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11:58 a.m. - 2023-01-29
Pushing myself to get out and ENJOY!!!
I'm so glad I motivated myself to get up and out today! The weather is perfect for kayaking. I've parked myself on a sandy stretch to hang for a bit and write.

I lay awake last night for a good while worrying about what I'd do with all my time at Plymouth Rock for three months. I really do have a problem with worrying about things that probably won't even happen. It can be as wonderful as I make it or not! There's so much to do! Kayaking, swimming, hiking, biking. Camping, the thing I love! And I'm close enough to Nikki to visit regularly, or Amy.

I worry about the trailer. What repairs could be coming. I don't worry enough about my health to do anything and I'm determined to change that. I am so overweight it feels oppressive now. I am going to at least be more active. That's why when I woke up this morning I forced myself to get up and get out!!!!!

Lots to look forward to in life. I have to stop promising in the morning light that I'll do better, then neglect to in the evening. I'm still pretty much and move about pretty easily. Do pretty much as I please alone! I want to be able to do it as long as possible and see 64 I realize time is limited.

So here I am! Out on the water, listening to the birds, and GVF. Breathing. Trying to make the most. It's beautiful and about 72 partly sunny degrees.

Carpe diem!


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